Well, it's reproducing with the other animation. I found the solution, the hack for that, so I think it's better to show you that one instead of the previous described above.
This is the situation: I have 2 masks which should cover the half of the slots http://joxi.ru/Vm6yy4dF4aQV6r
As you can see the B_cutter mask clipping ends right before F_cutter mask. And in Spine everything looks correct. When I export that to Unity, it appears that B_Cutter covers all the slots up to the top.
And then I'll do the next: I put masks under placeholders and for B_cutter I set different clipping areas in different skins, so after that the bug stops reproducing.
I duplicated this info to you e-mail and also attached zip. There are 2 spine files, one with a bug, the second with a hack.
Thanks. Looking forward to your answer.