nicmar wroteThis page (Spine Unity Download) mentions nothing about 2020.1, is it not officially supported yet?
I have a working project in 2020.1.4, but then another person opened the project in 2020.1.13 and got a nullref on a skeletonAnimation call. I haven't looked at the error in detail, but i was suspecting maybe spine needed an update.
I'm using spine-unity-3.8-2020-08-05.
I'm using 2020.2.0b8 right now and everything seems to be working fine. I know it isn't the same version as what you're testing, but haven't noticed any issues on this version of Unity at least.
Could you post the error/code?
Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention that I'm using the latest version of the runtime. So I'm not sure if that would solve the issue for you or not.