hwadock The ability to select an image and press the slot button in the tree window to move to the draw order has been useful. But it's not working right now. ðŸ˜
Misaki But it's not working right now. 😠Are you referring to the latest Spine editor? The button to move to the draw order in the tree view seems to work fine on 4.1.19. Could you please describe how it's not right?
hwadock before ver. 4.1.19 The important point is that the slot of the image being selected should remain intact.
Misaki hwadock Thank you for the clarification! Let me make sure: You are having trouble with the behavior that Spine 4.1.19 does not select the parent slot of the selected attachment when you turn on the Slots filter button in the Tree view, am I correct? The previous behavior certainly seems to have been more convenient. I'll check the background of why it is changed.
Misaki After checking with Nate, we have determined that it should be fixed. Here is the issue ticket for this: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor731 You can subscribe to the issue ticket, then you will receive additional notifications upon any progress. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but please wait a little longer until we fix the problem.
Nate Sorry for the delay. We broke this in 4.1.19 to fix this. We've improved it in 4.1.20. It should work even better than before! If you notice anything else strange regarding what is selected, please let us know.