this image is a build of my project and only skeleton is to noisy.
other 3d object looks fine

in unity scene, skeleton looks fine to but when i build to exe, this just happen

I need help
I'm using URP and skeleton shader is universal render pipeline/spine/skeleton

Related Discussions

@figmarion1010 Unfortunately I can't see any noise in the above image. Please show what you expect to see and what you got instead, with marking the different areas if possible.

    @figmarion1010 Thanks for the updated image, now that's a much more useful screenshot pair! You're not talking about noise (see here what noise is) but about a blurry / low resolution image.

    If that only occurs in a built executable but not in the Unity Editor, likely your atlas image is of very high resolution and your Max Size settings at the atlas texture in the Inspector is limiting the image down to your max size resolution.

    Another limiting factor could be that your active Quality Settings limit texture quality to e.g. Half Res, although I doubt that that's the problem.


      Image above is a other scene in unity with a same skeleton property. The problem occured in 3d scene, but in other scene I didn't have that problem. Difference between two scenes is a camera
      One that has problem is a perspective, the other that has no problem is a othographic. Could this be the cause?

      @figmarion1010 This sounds strange. It might then be related to mip-maps. Did you have a try disabling mip maps in the respective atlas Texture Import settings? If it changes anything, you might want to try the Set Mipmap Bias to -0.5 button at the Texture Atlas Asset (see the docs here). This adds a bias to use more of the "sharper" mipmap level.

      Alternatively, you could of course also disable mip-maps completely if your use-case scenarios don't require them (i.e. you never view them at a smaller size).

        I Figure it out! Project was FHD and My monitor is UHD. And camera was to far that was the region.
        and Your advice was helpful too. Thank you!

        Great to hear, thanks for getting back to us!