GuapoMan My project uses the URP. I installed the package for that but don't know what to do with it. When I set the materials of my Spine Game Object to 'Universal Render Pipeline/Spine/Sprite' or 'Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Spine/Sprite', the Game Object just isn't visible anymore or is all purple.
Updates! I learned using the "Spine Universal RP Shaders/4.2.33/Examples/2D/URP 2D Shaders."
Now I know I need to add in "Project Settings/Graphics/Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings" the "Example 2D URP Asset" to make it work.
That allows me to use the material "Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Spine/Skeleton Lit" in the materials of my Spine animation (excluding the Multiply material), and now the animation is affected well with the custom and new 2D lights objects:

The new problem was that all my previous content was displayed in purple, so I needed to update the main material I used for my sprites.
My material was this:

I needed to update to this:

Now, the new problem is that I had only old lights like this one:

And it seems I will need to update them to this other light style:

Unless there are another options to make my old lights affect the new materials.