• International中文
  • [runtime] 我正在使用c#的OpenGL库OpenTk来转写WebGL运行时,遇到了许多问题

version spine3.6
runtime spine-csharp

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ComputeWorldVertices() does not compute any UVs. UVs are static, except if an attachment is clipped. Ingoring the clipping case, the results you get for RegionAttachment and MeshAttachment ComputeWorldVertices are exactly the same.

I would suggest to start with a simple skeleton, e.g. just a single RegionAttachment without any animation. Work your way up from there.

You can also share your code here and we can try to identify the issue.

    Mario Your translator may have caused you to misunderstand what I said.
    Today, I roughly translated "Matrix4" and "Vector3" as C#,To replace the equivalent types in OpenTK
    I debugged all the rendering code to ensure that all the data used by OpenGL is the same as spine-webgl
    Awesome,everything works well

    I think I can publish it now

    Apologies! Google translate seems to be a bit hit or miss. Glad you worked it out!