spine4.0.64导出文件,导入unity 2017.4.29f1中,使用的spine-unity插件为spine-unity 4.0 for Unity 2017.1-2022.1,出现报错无法运行程序,而且报错似乎是导入spine-unity时就会弹出的,请问如何在使用当前版本unity的情况下解决这个问题?


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    krammor Hmmm, unfortunately the older version of Unity doesn't work well on my Mac PC, so I wasn't able to check with the same version, but at least as long as I installed spine-unity 4.0 2022-09-26 in Unity 2022, it installed fine.
    Was it a new Unity project you were trying to install? If you have not tried to install into a new Unity project, you may want to do so. If it works, there may be something wrong with your project.

      @krammor Did you perhaps have a previous installation of the spine-unity runtime, especially of the Spine Examples, in your project? The error message hints on mixed versions since an example class tries to access a method of a newer runtime.

      Please be sure to remove the previous spine-unity runtime and example contents from your project before installing the 4.0 spine-unity package.

        Harald 很抱歉没有,这是一个新建的2D项目,创建运行之后只加装了spine-unity插件,但是由于有报错没有办法运行启动引擎

        Misaki 对的,在2020版本也是运行良好的,但是由于一些原因我必须尝试使用指定版本的unity运行spine-unity,而且这是一个新建的2D项目,在加装spine-unity插件之前还可以启动引擎,加装插件后就会出现报错,而且已经验证并不是我电脑的问题,另一个人的电脑也是一样的问题

        Harald 感谢你的提示,发现问题根源就是在于Spine Examples文件夹,只要导入插件时不导入Spine Examples的内容则不会出现报错

        @krammor I could not reproduce such an issue, installing the latest 4.0 spine-unity unitypackage in a clean 2017.1 project led to no such compile errors (only shader errors of inactive branches, which are incorrectly all displayed although unused). Are you sure you're using the latest official spine-unity 4.0 package from this download page:

        Anyway, glad to hear that there is no issue without the Spine Examples.

          Harald unity具体的版本是2017.4.29f1,我是在你给的官网也就是你给的链接那里下载spine-unity插件的,插件的名字为:spine-unity-4.0-2022-09-26.unitypackage

          @krammor Oh, my fault, I misread your used Unity version for 2017.1 instead of 2017.4. We could reproduce the issue, there was indeed a compile error with the SkeletonRenderTexture.cs example component on 4.0 (only this file). It has just been fixed on the 4.0 branch.

          A new spine-unity 4.0 unitypackage is available for download here as usual:
          Please let us know if this fixes the issues on your end as well. Thanks again for reporting!

            Harald 我刚刚试了试,发现问题依旧存在,无法启动引擎,而且报错似乎更多了,达到了33个,看了一下可能是由于低版本没有Packages文件夹导致的一系列问题,还是不导入Spine Examples文件夹或者导入后删除它就能解决问题。
            要不写个告示说2017.4版本导入插件的时候不要导入Spine Examples文件夹就算了?

            @krammor Oops, sorry, my fault, the recently integrated bugfix commit caused a follow-up issue (and the test-suite didn't automatically test Unity 2017.4, so this unfortunately slipped through). It has now been fixed, a new spine-unity 4.0 unitypackage is available again.

            You should now get 32 harmless shader compile errors, these are due to old Unity versions reporting errors of shader code branches which will never be active in this combination. So you can ignore these shader errors.