Hi 🙂
Very new to Spine, but kinda lost after trying to find the correct way to do this for a few hours.
HOW do would any of you set up a character that has a turn around, a few different Shoes, Hands, etc, but also should have Skins (in the sense of: Player gets let's say a Hat to equip their character with, or a different set of shoes, etc)
I made a rig, which is basically like this:
Hat Bone
- Hat Slot 1
Head Bone
- Head Slot (here there are 5 faces - only one is able to be seen at times)
-- Front Face Image/ Attachment
-- 3/4 Down Face Image/ Attachment
-- Side Face Image/ Attachment
-- 3/4 Up Face Image/ Attachment
-- Up Face Image/ Attachment
Eye Bone Left
- Eye L Slot
-- Eye 1
Eye Bone Right
-- Eye 1 (same but mirrored)
Shoe L Bone
- Shoe L Slot
-- Shoe Perspective 1
-- Shoe Perspective 2
So where I have trouble understanding what to do now:
1) IF I want to have a different Shoe, how do I set up the Skin there correctly?
What I did: I made a new Skin called "Shoe Orange" and then added each attachment of the Shoe L Slot be a skin. This way the animation stayed in tact with the different perspectives. If I want to now create a new skin I can duplicate the images in the image folder, alter the shoe design for each perspective and then re-add that to the attachment in the Shoe L Slot, correct? That worked here, but it seems to be not too intuitive. I saw some YouTube video where the whole thing was exchanged. Would it also be possible (if sharing the same bone) to just change the location of the shoe folder? (from Shoes/ OrangeShoe to Shoes/ Different Shoe for example?)
2) IF I want the eye bone to be at a certain position of the Side Head, but at another on the other Head positions, how would I set that up without basically destroying the structure I have mentioned above? Different Heads in one Slot - or is that a bad idea to begin with?
3) The Shoe Skins seemed to have worked from 2) BUT! if I add a new Skin, called "Hat 1" for example, the already used Slots/ Attachments of the different shoe perspectives will get a skin added called "Hat 1". What do I do wrong there?
Hope anyone can help me here!