Hi everyone, my name's Adam and I'm a bit new to the Spine 2D rigging scene. I've been trying to make a rig for a double jointed leg with IK and I've been struggling to get it to work fully as intended.
As I want all joints to move and bend when moving either body or foot I set up the heel as the target of two IK chains allowing the knee to bend as a normal IK rig.
However in order to get the heel to move aswell I set up another IK from the foot to the body with a point in the bend which the Heel IK target could follow, which it does as seen in the video. The problem is that despite the IK target moving, the IK chains remain pointed to the original position of the target. Does anyone know how I can fix it so they follow the target when it moves or is this impossible? And if this isn't a good way to do it, are there any other ways to get the desired results?
Thanks in advance!