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Hi guys!
We’re a small indie team located in Barcelona with several mobile games published and are now working on our next ambitious project, Caveman Warriors, a game that will be released for Steam, PS4 and Xbox One initially and is already nearing the end of its development. Even though a lot has already be done, there’s still a lot of work to be done for our planned release somewhere in the second quarter of 2017 and we wanted to share with you what is left of our development.
If you're interested, you can check out our demo http://gamejolt.com/games/caveman-warriors/234976 and help us out, giving us feedback of our game!

To get started, what is Caveman Warriors all about? The idea for Caveman Warriors came to us in April of 2016 and was first inspired by Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja, a platform game released in 1991 by Data East, but once we started getting into game design, games like Super Mario Bros and Trine also played big roles in inspiring us.

With that out of the way, Caveman Warriors is a platform game set in a prehistoric time period that you can play either by yourself or with up to 3 others (4 players in total). Each player can choose one out of 4 playable characters that all have their own abilities, advantages and disadvantages and these characters can be changed at anytime in-game, although no repeating characters are allowed.
There are 8 planned worlds for Caveman warriors, each with at least two levels and a secret level that can be unlocked by finding and collecting three hidden batteries. Every level has a different scenario and different enemies that will challenge you in different ways to use your hero to their fullest potential. We also try to keep things interesting by adding in a runner-like level, as well as other kind of gameplays, but we mainly keep it platformer.

As mentioned before, our game has 4 playable characters:

Jack, the smasher, is an excellent cave warrior. He’s not the smartest nor is he the most handsome, but his ignorance allows him to throw himself at his enemies without a second thought. He is capable of taking out entire hordes with his brute strength.
Jack attacks using his stone axe to throw it with all his might at his enemies and throw them over. He can either hit nearby enemies with the axe or otherwise throw it at them if they are further away and cause even more damage. If you don’t hit anything your axe gets stuck in the ground and you have to retrieve it.
His special attack is called Unstoppable Onslaught and consists of Jack entering rage mode and charging forward, taking out of the way everything on his path. You better not stand in his way when you see him coming at you!

Moe, the shaman of the song, goes with two rammers in hand, combined with an air of greatness, he has proclaimed himself shaman of the tribe. With several tricks up his sleeve, he manages to distract or attract his enemies.
Moe uses his rammers made of bone to hit his drums and hurt his enemies with the vibrations caused in consequence. He can also throw his rammers at a further away enemy. His rammers act as boomerangs and always find their way back to their rightful owner.
Moe’s special attack is called Monkey Song and is used to distract enemies and make them dance to the catchy rhythm and forget everything else they were doing.

Liliana, the last rider, is a young but fierce maiden and has put the “Alpha Males” around her in their place, becoming the most skillful Amazon of the tribe. With her spear she can deal quick and painful strikes to those that dare come too close, or use it as a lethal throwing weapon.
Her basic skill consist of piercing her nearby enemies with the sharp end of her weapon. She can make this attack even stronger by dashing at her enemies from a distance and throwing them in the air.
Liliana’s special attack is called SpearHead and consist of her concentrating all her strength in throwing her spear at an enemy or at a wall. If she hits a wall with her spear, it will get stuck in it and lets her and her allies use it as a platform to get to higher places.

Brienne, the beauty, prefers to go out to hunt and get herself some tasty mammoth’s flesh than waiting in the cave and collecting fruits and berries. Thanks to her strong build and her heavy flesh stick, Brienne has become a relentless barrier in front of her enemies. Her attacks are heavy and slow, but very strong.
Brienne uses a stick with a piece of meat as a heavy club to hit her foes with an overwhelming force and can even throw them away into the air.
She also has a special ability called Behind Me! that consists of using her meatstick as a shield in front of her, protecting her and her allies from any oncoming attacks they might face.
Here are also some of the enemies that you will face in our game:
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We hope you like what you see and will keep you updated on our development. You can also check us out on http://www.indiedb.com/games/caveman-warriors - IndieDB or on https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jandusoft/caveman-warriors-multiplayer-platformer-arcade-gam - Kickstarter and give us some financial support if you feel our game is worth it!
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