In spine unity runtime, we want play loop animation1 on track0 and loop animation2 on track1.
The corrent behaviour is like this in spine editor(4.0.64):

however after mixed them in unity runtime(spine-unity-4.0-2021-10-02.unitypackage) the blue part has jitter like this:

After some test, we found if we change dopesheet keyframes from image1 to image2, the result will be correct.
Image1: (same rotation on frame0 frame20 frame90 frame140)

Image2: (slightly change rotation on frame20 / frame90)

So we think maybe there'll be some mechanism in csharp-unity runtime about resolving animation Json while keyframe data is {"time":0.8} instead of {"time":0.8, "value":-5.34}?
I'v sent a minimal project which can reproduce the problem to you via email:
Please have a look at your convenience, thanks!